Biography of W.S Rendra

Willibrordus Surendra Broto Rendra (was born Solo, on November 7 1935) was the famous poet who often was called as "Merak birds".
He established the Theater Workshop in Yogyakarta during 1967 but also the Theater Rendra Workshop in Depok.
Since the period went to class he already active wrote the short story and essay in various magazines.

Rendra was the child from the couple R. Cyprianus Sugeng Brotoatmodjo and Raden Ayu Catharina Ismadillah.
His father was a teacher Indonesian and the Javanese Language to the Catholic school, Solo, nearby as the traditional actor; whereas his mother was the dancer serimpi in the Surakarta palace.
Childhood was as far as the adolescent Rendra finished by him in his home town.

He began his education from TK (1942) until completing his senior secondary school, the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (1952), in the Catholic school, St. Yosef in the Solo city.
Graduated from High School Rendra went to Jakarta with the school intention in the foreign Academy.Evidently this academy was closed.
Then he went to Yogyakarta and entered the School Of Literature, Universitas Gajah Mada.

During 1954 he deepened his knowledge in the drama field and the dance in America, he received the scholarship from American Academy of Dramatically Art (AADA).
He also joined the seminar about literature in the Harvard University at the invitation of the local government.

The Rendra literature talent has begun to be seen when he sat in the bench of Junior High. At that time he has begun to show his capacity by writing poetry, the short story and the drama for various school activities.

Not only wrote, evidently he was also skilled on the stage.
He staged several of his dramas, and especially appeared as the very talented poetry reader.
He the first time published his poetry in the mass media during 1952 through the Strategy magazine.

After that, his poetries then smooth flowed decorated various magazines at the time, like the Story, Seni, Basis, Confrontation, and the Baru Strategy.
That continued to continue as being seen in magazines in the further decade, especially the magazine in the 60 's and in the 70 's.

One of His best Poem was “Sajak Sebatang Lisong” Performed at ITB (Bandung Technological Institute) on August 17 1977.He was very outspoken until he was imprisoned by the government at that time.

Even he was gone peacefully by God side, but his poems will always remembered forever.
Good Bye Mas Willy…
Although not completing his lecture, did not mean him stopped studying.

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